Art Collectors Choice: Chaitali V Purushothaman Of India Paints To Heal The World
CHAITALI. V. PURUSHOTHAMAN is a Successful Entrepreneur having multiple Careers as a WORLD Renowned Professional 11-Time International Award-Winning Spiritual High Vibrational Energy shifting Vastu Painter, Vedic Astrologer, Vastu Consultant, Illustrator, Spiritual Aura Astro Astral Healer -Coach- Mentor and a Stock Investor who has made a remarkable mark in all her Fields.
International clientele collect her customized high frequency Vastu Paintings and Energizers, Vastu for clearing Negative Energy and protection from UNCONSCIOUS EVIL’S EYE of home and offices, Healing sessions, Activating Spiritual Portals, Providing Personalized affirmations and meditations to open chakras, therapies for Adults, Couples and Counselling for children in places like Seattle, Portland, New Jersey, South Africa, Canada, Ireland, Atlanta, Mumbai and is also associated with Art Curators, Interior designers, Decorators and Child Educators for empowering children and Protecting their tender Aura.
She has won 11 Awards at the International level. She has been recognized as ONE of the Best Spiritual Painters in the World, Best Cubist, Best Surrealist, Best fantasy Painters, Best Expressionist Painters in the World juried by the Top Galleries of U.S.A in the Prestigious American Art Awards and has won many other Awards.
With her own “Cleansed Aura” as she is the medium, she specialises in Vastu High Frequency Paintings, Energizers in form of Images, blessed spells, spiritual human body Energizers that help to raise the frequency of the space and Human Aura Positively and protect from unconscious Negative Energy and enhancing the Space with positive Energy.
These Vastu Positive Paintings and Energizers are created by using THE ENERGY OF THE 7 CHAKRAS and sacred time energy of the BRAHMA MUHURTA — the most powerful time zone between 3.30 am and 5.30 am to absorb the purest energies of the universe. This makes the Image, Energizers highly positive and enriching and also protecting every home/work space, thus emitting energy of abundance, health, wealth and peace. She works with ENERGY in all her Areas of profession using the 5TH DIMENSION PORTAL with the Awareness of the Ultimate Truth that We are all Energy and we constantly Absorb and emit Energy with or without our Awareness. All her Areas of work are interconnected and the ultimate goal being shifting Energy by adding Positivity and Mental Strength in the space and Aura of the Human so that they can strive in their lives towards their desired goals, be it success in work or personal growth on Earth.
Vedic Astrology chart is a life Path of every human. By using the chart, she creates Personal High Vibrational Paintings and Energizers for Home or Spaces.
She does Independent Chart Reading -Humans desiring to know their truth about career, Marriage, Wealth and various other aspects of their lives.
In addition, she does Vastu Sensing and Spiritual Cleansing of Spaces and creates Paintings / Energizers according to the requirement of the space and Aura of the human.
She Heals people who reach out to her with their Questions of life by giving them knowledge on “karma”, “LIFE Path” and “law of Manifestation” in their “Respective lives”.
She also Clears “Emotional cords” of present life traumas and past life Soul Contracts with the help of Personal Affirmations, using Spiritual Portals, charged “hand healing” and “charged Crystals” with the KNOWLEDGE OF 5th dimension — Occult science — Soul Science — Aura Astro Astral.
Deep knowledge on frequency and energy of Colour therapy, undergoing intense training of purifying her own energies through Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya and Bhavaspandana, along with many years of experience and deep insight into Art and Spirituality and having her” Soul awakening” has helped her understand the Impact of Energizers- Positive Art on Families and Businesses as well as personal human Aura.
It is no secret and now also proven by science that every object or visual emits certain vibrations affecting or impacting the minds of the people and surroundings. Every Object, Every Painting or Image Emits Energy. Hence it is important to be mindful before placing them in your Home or Workspace and also understanding the Source from where it came.
The Powerful Images- Energizers — Vastu Paintings are created by using sacred time energy of the Brahma Muhurta period- the most powerful time zone between 3.30 am and 5.30 am to absorb the purest energies of the universe making the Image highly positive, enriching and protecting every home/work space, thus emitting energy of abundance, health, wealth, peace, success and most important also acting as a shield to protect family, business and children who have a tender aura from the unconscious energy of evil’s eye.
Special — customised, also known as Higher Self paintings — Personal
Energizers are created with the help of an individual’s numerology and by understanding the astrology chart along with Spiritual portals 1111 for Alignment, 222 for Manifestation, Lion’s gate portal and other portals too that help in attracting and manifesting one’s desires and also gives mental and emotional strength to handle everything so that one can go through the journey of life in a smooth manner. The Energy emitted by these Vastu Paintings- Energizers Absorb Collective Negative Energy which is floating around in the environment and help in shifting Energy. They also radiate feeling of peace, instil grounding, add focus for everyone — specially children and Act as a healing — soothing medium too. These paintings are instilled with Rich Emotional Values, possess Energy of success, Protection, Luck, Enhancing Ambition, and can be passed from generation to generation as a token of MENTAL STRENGTH and PUREST LOVE- THE HIGHEST VIBRATING FREQUENCY ON EARTH as They are not Replaceable. These Energizers /Paintings are always Emitting Positive Energy and as Humans we are Absorbing the Energy consciously or unconsciously. They absorb Negative Energy and Emit Positive Energy Thus Shifting the Frequency of the Space from Low to High. The Energizers Act as a Powerful “Shield” to Protect Family / Individual/ Offices from Unconscious Evils Eye as it has Powerful Symbols and Colours that absorb the Low Frequency. The Energizers Create a Strong Positive Energy Force that is Absorbed by Humans to work towards their Individual Goals like Success, Productivity, Positivity, Mental Strength, Abundance, Health and other.
Chaitali V Purushothaman:
I am a Professional High frequency Energy Shifting Spiritual Vastu Painter, Vastu Consultant for balancing and shifting energy from low -Negative to High Positive for homes and commercial Properties, Vedic Astrologer, Astro Astral Healer, Chakra Cleanser, Crystals — Gemstones — Healing Stones Energizer, Illustrator and a Stock Investor.
Since childhood I had a strong business mind and was equally attracted towards creative Ventures. I was always curious and energy Sensitive. My mind was always connected with the logical and practical side of life and deep Ambition to create strong careers in both Business as well as Creative field.
I have done my Post-Graduation in Business Management from HR College of Commerce & Economics, Mumbai, India and also worked for various Businesses. This has given me a deep insight and first-hand experience to witness how Mental health and Positive Energy- Positive thinking is important to attract Abundance and Success, apart from using intellect and practical skills. I have also Pursued 3 Years Study in Applied Arts from Rachna Sansad college, Mumbai, India which has helped me to understand the impact of Colours, Typography –energy of words, mastering the Aesthetic balance through colours, layouts and design. Also,– I have cleared the Prestigious Elementary And Intermediate Drawing Grade Examination conducted By the Art Directorate of the Government of Maharashtra, India. In addition to all the above, I have Studied Fashion Illustration Mastering Sketching and fashion Croquets.
Spiritually, my training in Shambhavi Mahamudra kriya — an ancient and purifying energy technique of immeasurable transformative power has helped me balance and open my Chakras. I have undergone Vigorous Training in Bhava Spandana for my Energy Clearing and blockages And Practice Kriya Yoga during the Brahma Muhurta time Zone — between 3.30 and 5 .30 am to keep my Own Aura clean as I am the medium for Healing, creating paintings, Energizers, sending healing energies, Reading Astrology Charts, Absorbing Spiritual Portal Energies, Vastu for spaces.
As I gained deep knowledge of the 5th dimension portal after my own Soul Awakening everything started flowing effortlessly and in alignment. This helped me to sense and understand the frequency of Human Aura and energy of everything around us including the impact of visuals and objects, understanding of colour and how Energy impacts us in every way, every day, every second whether or not we are aware of it consciously. It gave me the Ultimate Universal truth awareness — “We all are made up of energy and absorb and emit Energy whether we are consciously aware of it or not”.
Thus, all my Work Area is about Shifting and balancing “energy” from low frequency — Negative to High frequency — positive for spaces and accordingly creating Positive Energy Vastu paintings and designing Customised commissioned Paintings and Energizers as per the need of Family homes & Offices that shift the Energy of the space making it positive and creating shields and protection from unconscious evils Eye. I Also use individual Astrology Charts and create Higher self paintings, Numerology ,Paintings with Spiritual Portals 1111, 2222, 8888 and many other which are used as an individual’s Focal point of meditation and empowers the space with High Frequency Energy attracting energy of luck, Abundance in Health, wealth, success, productivity. I have my clientele based all over the world providing customized high frequency Vastu Paintings and Energizers, charging Gemstones, Crystals and healing stones , Vastu for clearing Negative Energy and protection from UNCONSCIOUS EVIL’S EYE of home and offices, conducting Healing sessions , Activating Spiritual Portals, Providing Personalised affirmations and meditations to open chakras and clear , therapies for Adults, Couples and Counselling for children in places like Seattle, Portland, New Jersey, South Africa, Canada, Ireland, Atlanta, Mumbai and I am also associated with Art Curators, Interior designers, Decorators and Child Educators for empowering children and Protecting their tender Aura and planning towards their holistic growth .
Thus All my Areas of Profession are interconnected as they are about Shifting Energy into positive Energy, whether it is Creating a Commissioned Vastu high Frequency Paintings or Energizers for home or offices, or Astro Astral Healing of a Human going through a Trauma or any challenge or Vastu Consultation of a space or independent Astrology chart reading. All the work is done during the Spiritually Activated Universal Powerful Energy Time Zone Brahma Muhurta with my cleansed Aura.
Chaitali V Purushothaman:
Since childhood I have always worked towards achieving and exploring professional opportunities as I have always believed that achieving helps us Grow and push our boundaries eventually helping us to Excel in our Fields and reaching our Best Selves.
The most significant Professional Achievement for me is providing a very fulfilling and positive experience to all my Clients from all around the world either with their Astrology chart reading towards their questions about lifepath or conducting healing — therapy sessions or providing vastu consultation for their spaces or Designing and creating paintings or energizers as per their requirement in terms of “Energy”, whether it is their need of protection from unconscious evil’s eye, or for Energy of Abundance or a personalised energizer for drawing mental strength, meditation and focus which is based on their own Astrology chart , numerology and powerful spiritual portals of 1111 -2222 -888 that naturally carry the energy of Success, Abundance , positivity and alignment according to Spiritual Occult Science.
Also Creating Original, Authentic- Energy tapped paintings by using the Brahma Muhurta time zone — morning 3.30–5.30 am for Popular Vastu High frequency paintings that have been decoded in scriptures and have strong deep meaning in “Vastu Shastra” and ‘SPIRITUALLY CHARGED” like 7 WHITE Running Horses with Rising Sun , Turiya Avastha- Higher consciousness .
Also being associated by Special Child Educators to Recreate and recommission the Award Winning Higher Consciousness — Turiya Avastha that absorbs Negativity emits Positivity through 3rd Eye with 7 chakra Energy, 5 element energy , energy of being with Portal Numbers and Protection from Unconscious Evil Eye created during the
Powerful Time Period of Brahma Muhurta — 3.30 to 5.30 am for the Child’s Study and Bedroom so that the children can ground themselves, meditate, focus and Grow in their life as per their desired goal .
All of the Above gives me a deep sense of achievement especially after seeing the real time results of my work which has helped in transforming and enriching lives positively.
Also, I am in Deep Gratitude for winning 11 INTERNATIONAL AWARDS;
1) Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST CUBIST PAINTER — AMERICAN ART AWARDS juried BY THE TOP 25 BEST GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS OF U.S.A for- Vastu Energizer Painting “Shades of life through Music” with Portal Energy of 1111, 2222, 8888 for Alignment, Peace, Energising painting for protection from Evil’s Eye and Emitting prosperity with the energies of Brahma Muhurta Time zone- 3.30 -5.30 pm.
2)Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST SPIRITUAL PAINTER — AMERICAN ART AWARDS juried by THE TOP 25 BEST GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS OF U.S.A for Vastu Energizer Painting –“Higher Consciousness — Turiya Avastha” absorbs Negativity emits Positivity through 3rd Eye with 7 chakra Energy , 5 element energy , energy of being with Portal Numbers and Protection from Unconscious Evil Eye created during the Powerful Time Period of Brahma Muhurta — 3.30 to 5.30 am.
AWARDS juried by THE TOP 25 BEST GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS OF U.S.A for -Popular Vastu Energizer Painting — “7 White Horses with Rising Sun for Luck, Success, Positivity and Productive flow of Energy” with Portal Numbers and Protection from Unconscious Evil Eye created during the Powerful Time Period of Brahma Muhurta — 3.30 to 5.30 am.
4) Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST SURREALIST PAINTER — AMERICAN ART AWARDS, juried BY THE TOP 25 BEST GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS OF U.S.A for- Vastu Energizer Painting Shades of life through Music with Portal Energy of 1111, 2222, 8888 for Alignment, Peace, Energising painting for protection from Evil’s Eye and Emitting prosperity with the energies of Brahma Muhurta Time zone- 3.30 -5.30 pm.
5) Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST SPIRITUAL PAINTER — AMERICAN ART AWARDS juried by THE TOP 25 BEST GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS OF U.S.A for Vastu Energizer Painting -Unconditional Love of Radha — Krishna Energy emitting positive energy , Strength, Deep unshakable love, ability to go through life PEACEFULLY for couples by drawing energy from Divine Radha and Krishna with protection from evil’s eye symbol , using portals- 1111 -222 ,created using Brahma Muhurta Energies- 3.30–5.30 am.
6) Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST FANTASY LANDSCAPE PAINTER — AMERICAN ART AWARDS juried by BY THE TOP 25 BEST GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS OF U.S.A for -Popular Vastu Energizer Painting — 7 White Horses with Rising Sun for Luck , Success, Positivity and Productive flow of Energy with Portal Numbers and Protection from Unconscious Evil Eye created during the Powerful Time Period of Brahma Muhurta — 3.30 to 5.30 am.
7)Awarded and Named as WORLD’S BEST EXPRESSIONIST PAINTER — AMERICAN ART AWARDS juried by by THE TOP 20 BEST GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS OF U.S.A for — Vastu Energizer Painting — Attracting Energy of Abundance in wealth, Strength, Faith, Peace by absorbing energies of powerful Divine Forces — Energized during the Brahma Muhurta — 3.30 to 5.50 am with Powerful Portals.
AWARDS juried by THE TOP 20 BEST GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS OF U.S.A for Vastu Energizer Painting — Attracting Energy of Abundance in wealth, Strength, Faith, Peace by absorbing energies of powerful Divine Forces — Energized during the Brahma Muhurta — 3.30 to 5.50 am with Powerful Portals.
9) ‘THE FACES OF PEACE ART PRIZE AWARD — INTERNATIONAL ART PRIZE “– by CONTEMPORARY ART CURATOR MAGAZINE awards distinguished Artists whose work Significantly contributes to Peace and human development and incites changes through their Talent and creativity to restore balance to the relationship between humanity and Natural Environment.
10) COLLECTORS ART PRIZE AWARD — Collectors Art Prize recognizes Outstanding achievements in contemporary Art by celebrating the work of Extraordinary artists whose Practices are among most innovative and influential of our time.
Awarded to Artists who have created exceptional and thought –provoking work that pushes the boundaries of their medium and engages with significant social cultural issues.
11) AWARDED as — SPECIAL RECOGNISITION AWARD — ALL WOMEN ART EXHIBITION — LIGHT SPACE AND TIME ART GALLERY — USA for Vastu Energizer Painting -Unconditional Love of Radha — Krishna Energy emitting positive energy, Strength, Deep unshakable love, ability to go through life PEACEFULLY for couples by drawing energy from Divine Radha and Krishna with protection from evil’s eye symbol, using portals- 1111 -222, created using Brahma Muhurta Energies- 3.30–5.30 am.
· EXHIBITED AT THE PRESTIGIOUS TTAF TOKYO ART FAIR AT THE ICONIC TOKYO TOWER — selected and invited for a virtual Gallery exhibition Display by Contemporary Art Collectors and NOMINATED for the TOKYO TOWER ART AWARDS.
· Popular Vastu Energizer Painting — “7 White Horses with Rising Sun for Luck, Success, Positivity and Productive flow of Energy” with Portal Numbers and Protection from Unconscious Evil Eye created during the Powerful Time Period of Brahma Muhurta — 3.30 to 5.30 am — Featured in Spotlight — Contemporary Art Magazine | 30 by Circle Foundation — Athens Greece — that presents unique selection of remarkable Contemporary Artists from all around the World.
· Popular Vastu Energizer Painting — “7 White Horses with Rising Sun for Luck, Success, Positivity and Productive flow of Energy” with Portal Numbers and Protection from Unconscious Evil Eye created during the Powerful Time Period of Brahma Muhurta — 3.30 to 5.30 am -Featured in ‘THE FACES OF PEACE ART BOOK –by CONTEMPORARY ART CURATOR MAGAZINE for Winning the ‘THE FACES OF PEACE ART PRIZE AWARD — INTERNATIONAL ART PRIZE | Spain — to be released by End of May.
Thus, I have been extremely Grateful for my journey and Thankful and in Deep Gratitude to everyone who have been a part of my growth.
Process of making the High Vibrational Spiritual paintings — Energizers.
Positive high frequency Vastu based paintings Energizers are created for attracting the energy of success, productivity, good luck, healing, protection of spaces and family from unconscious evils eye using energy of spiritual portals, astrology chart, crystals, gemstones, Higher consciousness with Brahma muhurta energies.
To create these high frequency paintings there is an intricate structured and spiritual process as it is an high frequency energy shifting positive vibrational symbol.
First step : Vastu Consultation –(either online or offline )for understanding the need and requirement — First step is to sense the Energy of the space either office or home — vastu process and deciding on the corners, walls that need balancing . Also having a detailed discussion about the requirement whether it is for family or individual or explicitly for children’s welfare , growth , ATTRACTION OF ABUNDANCE or Protection from Unconscious Evils eye . If one chooses to energise the guest space then the energies required would be different as compared to personal space or temple zone or office.
The second step in the process of Vastu based energy shifting painting is cleansing my own Aura by deep meditation and kriya yoga and HIGH FREQUENCY ENERGY ABSORBTION to make sure that there is no external energy residue linger or low frequency emotion like sadness or Anger or any other unresolved Trauma and I am vibrating at a “HIGH FREQUENCY” since I am the “medium”.
Once the spaces are decided, the work begins. The day of beginning and the day of releasing is very important as it is all “Energy work”. The painting is done during Brahma muhurta time -3.30 to 5.30 am or the time released according to the 5th dimension portal — Spiritual knowledge.
For personalised Energizers- Astrology , Numerology, Energy from Auspicious Spiritual Portals are used along with Gemstones, Healing crystals and Auspicious threads absorbing Energy.
All Paintings and Energizers are Chakra Balanced and instilled with Evil’s Eye Protections.
Colours are carefully chosen according to the Frequency of each colour impacting human mind and their Aura.
I hope to inspire the “Awareness” in every human so that they invest in Art mindfully as per their life aspirations, desires, goals apart from seeing it as a décor so that the art can be in alignment with their life journey and in connect with their emotions acting as a reminder and emitting positive energy even when the energy of the human is fluctuating. Thus, it has to be chosen wisely as it will live with you forever and you will be absorbing its energy constantly consciously or unconsciously.
Current Projects:
Currently designing Vastu high Frequency paintings and Energizers for lovely family homes in Seattle, Atlanta, Australia, Mumbai.
Also Designing Positive Energizers- Remedy and balancing Energy for commercial spaces with the help of spiritual portal charged crystals, gemstones.
Also creating Energizers for commercial space as protection from low frequency energy and protection from Psychic attack in Mumbai — India.
Conducting Healing sessions for Clients who have gone through Emotional Pain and helping them clear their cords — clots, past life regression to clear karma houses in Astrology.
Conducting spiritual sessions for Activating Portals and Personalised Affirmations that help in Soul work and inner child Healing.
Astrology chart reading for clients for Careers, Marriage Remedies, Health Remedies,
children for holistic growth, awareness about Self.
Independent Vastu Consultation Visit for change in colour and placement of furniture that resonate with the space and balance the Flow of positive Energy.